【文章標題】: 系統增強-Fast Windows Hider-3.2.2繁體中文化版
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化網路補習班-總教頭
【作者首頁】: http://visdacom.com/
【內容分類】: 系統增強
【附件大小】: 913KB
【作業系統】: Win9X/WinME/WinNT/Win2000Pro/WinXP
【解壓密碼】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: 原創:軟體中文化教學-【網路補習班】-可以轉載!請注明作者並保持文章完整。不可刪除或修改部分內容!
  系統增強-Fast Windows Hider-3.2.2繁體中文化版
  Fast Windows Hider 就是您的隱私保護神!
  Fast Windows Hider 是一個程式快速隱藏工具,只需簡單定義,他就可以通過快捷鍵迅速隱藏特殊的一個或多個程式,讓別人無法發現你在做什麼。

  Fast Windows Hider is a privacy tool designed to help you hide any windows at one moment. It’s very useful
  when you need privacy and allows you do whatever you like instead of that is allowed.
  With Fast Windows Hider you can hide/restore any special for you windows instead close or minimize them as
  soon as you want.
  Now you don’t need hurrying up then somebody stick а nose into your private business.
  You can hide Internet Explorer or another Internet browser, ICQ, AIM, IRC, Word, Excel, movies, games, e-
  mail, photos, all specials, intended only for you windows.
  Relax and do that you want and don’t worry about your boss,
  co-workers, family or any another curious eye.
  Do that you desire Fast Windows Hider hide it immediately.
  系統增強-Fast Windows Hider-3.2.2繁體中文化版下載網址:

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