【文章標題】: 所見即所得說明檔案製作-Help and Manual v4.5.0.1306 繁體中文化綠色版
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化網路補習班-總教頭
【作者首頁】: http://visdacom.com/
【內容分類】: 說明檔案製作
【附件大小】: 19.57 MB
【作業系統】: Win9X/WinME/WinNT/Win2000Pro/WinXP
【解壓密碼】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: 原創:軟體中文化教學-【網路補習班】-可以轉載!請注明作者並保持文章完整。不可刪除或修改部分內容!
  所見即所得說明檔案製作-Help and Manual v4.5.0.1306 繁體中文化綠色版
  Help and Manual 一個所見即所得的說明檔案製作工具,支援列印功能。

  所見即所得說明檔案製作-Help and Manual v4.5.0.1306 繁體中文化綠色版
  Help & Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your
  fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of
  the process for you.
  Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually
  writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.
  How Help & Manual works: 
  All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only
  have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your
  documentation every time you change anything.
  Intuitive working environment
  Help & Manual′s working environment gives you all the formatting and editing features of a modern word
  processor, including dynamic styles and complex tables.
  This is combined with powerful features for generating and editing help and documentation files, including
  full support for multimedia and complex modular projects.
  Your projects are displayed and edited with the same hierarchical tree structure used by all Windows help
  formats. The editor and content tree view are combined in a single window. Editing topics and manipulating
  the structure of your projects is fast and intuitive.
  Single source, Multiple output
  Single source is much more than just outputting exactly the same information to different formats. Help &
  Manual supports conditional and customized output features that enable you to include variant content
  versions for different output formats and purposes – all in the same project, no post-processing is
  Help & Manual handles all the complexities of help formatting and generation for you, letting you
  concentrate on the work of writing. But there is also extensive support for power users and experienced
  help authors. You can get under the hood and insert your own HTML code, change the code the program uses to
  generate your projects, manipulate topic and project templates and more.
  Help & Manual gives you the best of both worlds
  所見即所得說明檔案製作-Help and Manual v4.5.0.1306 繁體中文化綠色版下載網址:
    創作者 小慧 的頭像


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